Title: 平清盛
Title (romaji): Taira no Kiyomori
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Jidaigeki
Broadcast network: NHK
Broadcast period: 2012-Jan
Air time: Sunday 20:00
In the last days of the Heian period, the Ise Heike signaled their presence to the aristocratic society by eradicating piracy in the Seto Inland Sea. Taira no Kiyomori had been raised to be a samurai by his adoptive father, Taira no Tadamori, and learnt the importance of “human bonds”. He also acquired foresight and judgment from life aboard ships and grew up to be rugged young man through his dealings with foreign merchants and pirates. When Kiyomori goes up to the imperial capital, he meets unique individuals: Minamoto Yoshitomo who would be a rival in the first half of his life; Sato Norikiyo a master in literary and military arts who would later become the monk Saigyou; and Prince Masahito who would transformed from a delicate youth to become Japan’s supreme ruler, the future Emperor Go-Shirakawa. These men see the world with the young Kiyomori and talk about their own dreams. However, it is a war-torn world. The battle for succession within the imperial family begins with the Hogen.Heiji Rebellion. What Kiyomori sees there are scenes from hell as children attack their parents, and older brothers destroy their younger siblings. In the midst of this, Kiyomori is ordered by Emperor Go-Shirakawa to put down Yoshitomo who has become an enemy of the court. However, he saves the life of Yoshitomo’s son, Yoritomo, out of compassion – a decision that would create a huge tragedy. While the Fujiwara regents and advisors as well as the Genji lose power as a result of the fight, Kiyomori becomes the leader of the samurai and influences national politics. His sworn friend, the cloistered Emperor Go-Shirakawa, runs a government and wields political power. The two men form an alliance, but soon end up in a bitter dispute. To Kiyomori, who has no knowledge of his birth parents, his family is his pillar of support. He obeys the teachings of Tadamori and maintains the clan’s ties. However, when Kiyomori loses his beloved eldest son, Shigemori, to illness, Emperor Go-Shirakawa attempts to oust the Heike. Unable to put up with it any longer, Kiyomori stages a coup which puts an end to the emperor’s cloistered rule. He becomes the supreme ruler, and in that moment, the first samurai in the nation’s history to take power. Moving the capital from Kyoto to Fukuhara (present day Kobe) for the first time in 400 years, he takes the reins of the government and tries to return to his dreams of establishing a huge trading port centred around trade with the Song Dynasty and building a trading nation open to the outside. However, these swift reforms invite criticism from society and Kiyomori is made into a big-time villain. Riding the wave of public opinion, Emperor Go-Shirakawa issues an order to expel the Heike. While the Genji led by Yoritomo rally in a call to arms across the nation, Kiyomori dies of fever … …--Jdrama Weblog
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